
now booking school appearances 2011-2012 for

A Lake Mystery for grades k -5

one hour program based on Peterson Gateley's book "Twinkle Toes and the Riddle of the Lake"

classroomperformances_html_m64e70825This multimedia presentation uses props and tools of the mariner, a slide show, and readings to explore Lake Ontario as seen by a crabby cat named Twinkle Toes during a cruise to Canada on an old wooden boat. (can be modified for higher grade levels) $250.00 per program

We can also design a program or presentation for your classroom or small group based on the Riddle of the Lake book and on the activities described below Duration- 45 minutes to 1.5 hours $200-350$

link to classroom activities and resources incorporating NYS learning standards in science, language arts, and social studies classroom.pdf

link to a 10 min narrated slide show FREE for download and use Virtual Voyage on the Lake

 link to American History teachers workshop resources

Buy the book here

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